Suzanne Carrier
Copyright © 2024 Suzanne Carrier
Disclaimer: The contents found on this website are for information purposes only and in no way intended to provide medical advise or be a substitute for medical treatment, or a cure for any disease or health condition. Do not discontinue any of your prescription medications or change your dietary requirements without checking with your healthcare provider.

Welcome to Connected Before Birth
Are you at a pivotal point in your life where you are considering having a baby?
Would you like a birth model that is tailored to your needs and the needs of your baby?
Do you want to be fully empowered in your birthing process?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you are in the right place.
Creating A Solid Foundation
Connected Before Birth is an innovative birth model that recognizes that your baby is a conscious being who is aware of everything that is going on around him or her.
You are given one opportunity to consciously and lovingly welcome your baby into the world.
It is key that that this one precious moment is built on a solid and secure foundation based on love.
Their Soul needs to be recognized and nurtured. Sometimes this means prospective parents begin the process of resolving some of their own life challenges, in order to fully embrace being a parent.
The Connected Before Birth Model empowers and supports moms and dads right from the beginning, before baby is even a twinkle in their eyes
This is a very Sacred time. Your baby is connected to the cosmic realm.
You and your baby are connected. And you also need to be connected to yourself before giving birth!
I'm sure you've been on an airplane and have heard the words IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, SECURE YOUR OWN MASK BEFORE ASSISTING OTHERS. This principle also applies to prospective parents.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed and inadequate, you may not be able to tap into the Divine stillness of your being to be present to the needs of your unborn baby and newborn.
As a mom, you are the creative vessel that is infused with love, light and life.
Your baby's journey begins before conception. As a mom, you have the opportunity to help your baby thrive from the very beginning. Your baby is a conscious, loving being and you can choose to set up a loving, supportive environment.
You are invited to pave the way for our next generation of babies.
Let's welcome our babies into the world with fresh eyes, maintaining the vision of what is possible for them. Our babies are coming in with a different vibrational frequency. They aren't here to help you work out your stuff. Let's get that taken care of and then you can fully embrace their magnificence.
They will know what it's like to experience unconditional love.
Why This Work
Is Important
I invite you to IMAGINE what it would be like if our babies were born into a world and where they didn’t have to deal with their parents “stuff”
and were SEEN for the magnificent being that they are from the very beginning!
Think of all the money you would’ve saved on therapy if your parents had resolved some of their life issues! I’ve been working with adults for well over a decade and the underlying issue for most is they have never been SEEN and felt invisible. They have struggled in the areas of
When we follow the energetic thread, it is not uncommon to find that the energy brings us back to our pre-verbal experiences that started in utero or before. Baby is a sentient being that remembers, they may not have the language to share their experience, but their energetic body holds the imprints.
Several years ago, I was presenting at a Human Design Conference on birth trauma. After the presentation, this woman came up to me and asked if I could join her for dinner.
She shared that she and her husband had two children. They had adopted a son when he was just a few months old. He had many relationship problems growing up. As parents, they had tried everything for their son, yet he never felt loved. There were problems at home, at school and now at work and in his current relationships.
We continued to talk about the importance of a baby being SEEN and recognized as a sentient being right from the get go. How important bonding is and how we relate in the world.
She shared how their relationship was challenging and they hadn’t been in touch for a while.
The next morning, she sees me in the hotel restaurant and comes running over, so excited and says, “Suzanne, you’ll never guess what happened last night”! She continues….. “My son called me and he said, “I want to Facetime with you”. She was blown away. He said, “I want to SEE your face, I want you to SEE me”. He shared that no one had SEEN him before and he wanted her to SEE him as he is.
Needless to say, we were both in tears. Neither one of us knew that the outcome of our conversation would open the door for their relationship to improve and consequently so would his other relationships.
This work is important, because some aspect of baby REMEMBERS!